Training and Development
We are aware of the worth and significance of human resources to the company. It is entirely dependent on the skills and expertise of the organization's current staff. Training and development can help keep a skilled and competent personnel within the firm, which is not a simple undertaking because it is a continual process. Different authors have different definitions of training.
Training is delivered by the organization or an external service. According to Henderson (2017) A set of planned activities on the part of an organization to increase job knowledge and skills, or to modify attitude and social behavior to achieve specific ends which are related to a particular job or role.
According to (Ibid) development has been defined as "the continuous improvement of an individuals effectiveness in term of their role or profession beyond the immediate task or job"
According to the Armstrong (2001), training is systematic development of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given job.
According to Flippo (1984), Training is the act of increasing knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.
According to Aswathapa (2000), The team training indicates in improving the aptitudes skills, and abilities of the employees to perform specific jobs. training help in updating old talent and developing new ones. Successful candidate placed their duties need the training to perform their duties effectively.
an organization's workforce's talent, skill, and willingness is the fundamental
purpose of training. This is essential to the company's success and will give
it several advantages. There are four extra aims in addition to the main one
mentioned above:
Objectives of Training and development
/Individual Objectives: Everybody has their own personal objectives and goals.
They will be able to accomplish their individual goals thanks to this, and the
organization will ultimately benefit.
Company /Organization
Objective: Each
business has its own vision and mission, as well as well defined goals and
objectives that it wants to achieve.
/Department Objective: Each
organization has goals and objectives for each department, which are ultimately
linked to the overall goals and objectives.
objective: Every business owes a social
duty to the community. They must engage in CSR for the benefit of society and
In addition to the above four
main objectives, there are other additional objectives in the training and
development. It can summarize as follows.
transferring the skill among the workforce.
To give proper job-related
cultivate positive attitudes and
changing attitude up to the positive level.
Improve efficiency and
To improve workplace safety.
To improve workplace corporation.
To support for the performance
The majority of the organization
use various training and development techniques. Occasionally, it varies from
company to company. Each approach of training and development has benefits and
Here with given below a list of different
training methods.
Employee Development is one of the
most important functions of Human Resource Management. Employee development
means to develop the abilities of an individual employee and organization as a
whole so; hence employee development consists of individual or employee and
overall growth of the employee as when employees of the organization would
develop the organization, the organization would be more flourished and the
employee performance would increase (Elena P. 2000). Therefore, there is a
direct relationship between Employee Development and Employee Performance. As
when employees would be more developed, they would be more satisfied with the
job, more committed with the job and the performance would be increased. When
employee performance would increase, this will lead to organization
effectiveness (Champathes, 2006).
The majority of businesses have developed employee development programs that
will support both organizational and employee success. They invest a lot of
money in training and development because they understand it is an investment
with a higher return.
Coaching: primarily on the
improvement of certain staff skill sets. The required level of skill must be
attained in the allotted time..
Assessment center and development
center: The company conducts a number of assessments at the assessment center
using various methods.DC is exclusively done for the employees' personal
growth. It often assesses the strengths and possibilities of employees.
Developmental Appraisal: This is a
portion of the annual procedure for ongoing employee evaluation and performance
Competitive advantage: The majority
of businesses do not think about staff development and are reluctant to invest
in training and development. However, large and multinational companies give
training and development much more thought and see it as an investment. Because
of this, they are gaining a competitive advantage.
Every organization's most valuable
asset is its workforce, and employees' performance determines whether the
business succeeds or fails. As a result, most businesses have a sizable budget
for training and development. Programs for staff training and development
improve their knowledge and abilities. This will benefit the business in
numerous ways, particularly with regard to the performance management systems.
There are several benefits to training and development for both personnel and
the business. Companies can create outstanding employees using a variety of
training and development techniques.
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Well explained.
ReplyDeleteGood selection of topic. Training and development plays an important role in HRM.
ReplyDeleteWell Explained, Thank you for sharing your knowledge
ReplyDeleteAdditional objectives in training and development is short but given more details.Good effort.