Effects of Employee Relationships
Effects of Employee Relationships
achievement of goals and objectives is the ultimate goal of every organization.
Every business has unique aims and objectives, which can be summed up as the following.
* Improved employee training;
* Higher profit margins;
* Greater efficiency;
* Greater market share;
* Better customer service; etc.
Without having a good and strong employee relationship, achieving the aforementioned goals and objectives is not that simple. It implies that strong and positive employee relationships are absolutely necessary for an organization to succeed. The most crucial element for an organization's performance and employee pleasure is human relations. Employee relations typically concentrate on finding solutions to issues at work. Good employee relations improve the welcoming atmosphere at work, and they cannot be achieved without the full commitment of all employees.
According to Armstrong, (2017)
employee relation is the approaches and method adopted by employers to deal
with employees either collectively through their trade union or individually.
In general,the employee relation agenda is no longer about trade unions. There is more emphasis on direct communication, managing organizational change and involving and motivating staff. Issues about work-life balance and the war for talent reflect a changing workforce with changing expectations(CIPD,2005;pp.3-4)
The employment relationship aspect deal with the role and influence of law which determines the right and responsibilities /rules that govern the behaviour of both employer and employee which has an impact on how the relationship works out. However, in recent years, the newer concept has emerged in human resource management that has considerably changed the relationship that was formally dependent upon the interaction of formal legal regulation.(Bardwell & Claydon ,2007)
According to (Marchington & Wilkinson, 2008) described the management of employee relation as being vital to the success or failure of an organization and it is seen as central to Human Resource Management.
According to (Dawson,1995) acknowledge that the achievement of organizational objectives depends upon employment relation.
Nowadays, employee relations are a much larger term than in the past.Previously, it was thought to be the management-trade union relationship.It now entails continuously improving the workplace environment to assist meet and satisfy the needs of employees and management. An effective IR system boosts employee morale and fosters a positive organizational culture. Additionally, it will create an effective, motivated workforce while taking employee input into account when making management decisions.
Performance of an organization's staff has a direct impact on its success. Therefore, the human resources department of the company should focus on ways to boost employee performance. Employee difficulties and grievances must be resolved within a fair amount of time, and the corporation must establish good working relationships with its staff. The relationship will improve if the employees are happy with the management's answer. As I said before, effective internal recruitment can create motivated staff members who then generate excellent results for the company, which leads to increased productivity.
Building positive workplace relationships depends more on employee satisfaction
than anything else. Because of this, management should pay close attention to
what the goals and objectives of the workforce are, as well as any issues they
may be experiencing and any expectations they may have of the organization.
Additionally, management needs to be well-informed about the expectations of
the organization as well as its goals and objectives. No misunderstandings
should exist between management and the workforce. Good compensation, a secure
workplace, comfortable working conditions, a promotion program, administration
of employee benefits, a good grievance handling system, flexible work
schedules, and other factors will all contribute to employee satisfaction.Barriers
and difficulties can occasionally prevent an organization from implementing a
competent ER system. For instance, insufficient pay, poor communication, poor
information and instructions, leadership style weaknesses, a weak appraisal
system, a lack of career paths and opportunities for advancement, inadequate
policies and processes, and problems with the grievance management system,
among other things. The key to creating positive employee relationships at work
is to identify the problem and handle the situation effectively.
Every firm needs good employee relations to accomplish its goals and
objectives. Achieving productivity and efficiency through effective employee
relations will have a direct impact on both the workers and the organization.
There are instances when a company's regulations and processes, as well as poor
management decisions, prevent the majority of the organization from developing
strong employee relationships. However, creating good employee relationships is
now more crucial than ever because they are crucial to the success and
long-term viability of the business.
1.Available at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ah_Sequeira/publication/[Accessed 04-05-2023].
2.Available at .https://nairaproject.com/projects/002.html[Accessed 04-05-2023]
3. Available at http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/75396/11/11_chapter%202.pdf[Accessed 04-05-2023]
4.Available at https://www.aihr.com/blog/employee-relations/[Accessed 04-05-2023]
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